here is a quick little post of some family photos from last weekend. working with babies can be quite the feat but i think we did well! you probably won't recognize wesley anymore (i barely did!) from his newborn shoot a few months ago. i've been shooting like a madwoman lately, and now i'm just floating along in a sea of editing so i thought i would share a few here and there as i go along. enjoy! xo jenn
this little backyard gem was a pleasure to be a part of- it was my first time working with Elizabeth in Love and man, does this girl have talent! looking forward to spending my next few saturdays with her!
i love the idea of a backyard wedding- everyone is relaxed, the guests and wedding party feel at home, and there are always tons of tasty apps and drinks floating around! the casual atmosphere was so nice to walk into on this overcast afternoon, while lindsay took her time getting ready with her awesome bridesmaids. i spent some time with the boys while the ladies were getting ready, and i don't think jordan could have asked for a better group of guys to hang out with all day!
thanks to beth for asking me to shoot with you! and what a gorgeous couple!