Thursday, January 6, 2011

logan. need i say more?

i wasn't lying when i said he is the cutest thing in the world. seriously!
took a few quick shots on new years eve but we were losing light- fast.

a fabulous addition to this already fab family.
so soft... so awesome. i love him!

xo jenn

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

baby amelina

so i'm already posting a sneak peak even though i said i wouldn't do it anymore!
however, these photos are a bit different- i tried something new this time around, esp with the post work.
when i looked at these shots after i got home from the shoot, i realized that they reminded me of a baby in the womb, so i tried to kind of emulate that with the colours (pretty obvi). amelina was so comfy in there, regardless of how nervous her mother was while we were shooting it. it must have been like going home!

hope you like them!
xo jenn

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

holiday wrap up...its not late, i swear!

so this post may seem like it should have been written a week ago... but for most, today was the official 'back to work day' (me included) so i tried to stretch the holidays out until 6am this morning (and staying up late watching curb your enthusiasm didn't help my cause).

so here it is, a short post of photos basically summing up what my holidays were all about (sans photos of my family sitting around for countless hours talking, eating and drinking).

p.s. check back for a recent newborn shoot and the cutest puppy you have ever seen (promise!)

xo jenn

1. Q turned one! i can't believe its been a year since we did her newborn photos. i feel like i have grown and gotten a lot better since then. here are a few from the 1st birthday party and a book i made for her for christmas.

2. this kitten hardly left my room for 10 days. still mad at leanne for taking zoe back to ottawa! kitten theft aside, you should check our her awesome site that she designed herself.
also played with some christmas tree bokeh.

3. was supposed to have an alternative to traditional stuffed turkey on christmas day, because i am not a fan (even though the 'alternative' just turned out to be a stuffed chicken with all of the usual sidedishes). instead, my family decided to spread bronchitis all over our house so the 5 kids had leftover Montfort's, and i did not complain once!
bought fresh rosemary for the already know what happened there so instead i did some quick shots of it so it wouldn't go to waste!